Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So i only have a few moments to do this so forgive the spelling errors. i hope you can suffer through them.

Alot has happened since my lst post oh so long ago
Evan is now rolling across the floor! yay!!! he's soo big
he was weighed last week and came in at a wopping 16 pounds 4 oz's!!!
we've got a chunker!
i have been pleading with my mom to update pix but she can only get them on her facebook...
oh that woman nad her facebook! lol cracks me up!
we started feeding evan the baby rice ceral about a month ago and he is now on solid foods! the 1st year gerber stuff! yay! he loves it all! i'm not suprrised! lol he has had peas, bananas, sweet potatoes, pears(but he's allergic to those), squash, and i think thats it right now!
he's a mess wen he eats tho. it's not just cereal but ceral witha side of fingers!
That little boy can shove his entire hand in his mouth!
...and then some! teheheh!

On to a lovely topic... His father... good lord somebody shoot me! of the more recent developments and conflicts between us....he's dating somone! he's been seeing her since before i had evan. Although according him they were just"getting to know each" before i had evan. geuss how old this new girlfriend is!!! i dare u! guess! lol your gonna laugh. 19!!! talk about robbing the cradle. he's 24 and dating someone who jsut got out of high school!
I bet that says wonders about his maturity level!
it's not so much that he is seeing someone and i will admit i'm NOT comfortable with how old she isn;t! it's the fact that he has been lying to me about it for months!!! upon months!!!
why couldn't he just say something! he would lie to me about who he was hanging out with and why he would need to bring evan back early. i should have known something was up when he started bring him back around 2 or 3 in the afternoon instead of 6 or 7.
needless to say things are not very pleasant between us,.

He's picking evan up friday...by then it will have been 3 weeks since he has seen his son...pathetic is the best word that comes to mind. he spends most of his time with his new ho! it's just sad when you can go 3 weeks and find a shit ton of time for the bitch your fucking but not a minute to spare for your own child!...once again...pathetic...
i told him that last night,... he was less than happy to hear it. oops, my bad... did i hurt sum1's feelings...god.. i'm jsut a terrible person lol
not really!
But!!! good news!! i put my application in at friend of the court 3 or 4 weeks ago! child support bitches! it's a long process but it will be worth it! i should have done it a long time ago...but it ryt o give ppl the benift of the doubt and take their situation into consideration...
I;m dont being nice!
I'm so tired of dealing with his crap!
It would almost be easier if he would just wakl away completely...
but newho i gotta get off of here ... duty calls!
damn ihate work...
but i do work next saturday so i should have plenty of time to give a longer detailed updated!!! yeah!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


OK!!!!! so how long has it been since i've done this!! lol hahaha
I have to be quick cuz i'm on the net at work and that's not exactly aloud at the moment!! thehehe...my bad!
First i would like to say HAPPY 25TH B-DAY to my favorite cousin!!!
Tiff i only wish i would get to see more of you!!!
Your not old and god made grey hair so people would invent hair color! i for one, will use it till i die!
Lord knows this kid is gonna be the cause of many grey hairs!

Which brings me to my next rant!
Now i'm just fat! lol
i gained a grand total of 75 pounds carrying that little shit around!
I have currently lost only about 20 of it.
Well it was 25 but my lovely diet of chocolate hershey bars with almonds and gallons of dr. pepper isn't helping the situation!
Whish is the reason you will not see me in too many of the pictures!! i still look like a beached whale...
But the little man is doing great!!!! i won't go into a ton of detail (but for me that means i'll only write about 5 pages about him!!)
He was 7lb's 1 oz when he was ripped from my womb!!!
Yes i had to have a c-section. the cord was wrapped sround the little guys neck... and i wouldn't dialate past 4cm's. there's no way your pushing a 7 pound baby thorugh a 4 cm hole. It would bring new meaning to the word conehead!
I knew we were in for a bumpy ride the night i brang him home from the hospital! i got him naked to change a poopy diaper and he got so pissed at me that he held his breath!!
me and my mom both crapped our pants!!!
it hasn't been an easy go since we brang him home, i ended up back in the hospital less than a week after i had him formy preeclampsia. my swelling wouldn't go away and i had migraines that would kill a horse! had to have a magnesium drip... which means i couldn't eat for like a day and ahalf...way to go starve the chick who barely gets time to eat anyways...

iw as in for another 4 days on that one and came home on a sunday. that entire week i was puked on constantly by my beautiful little boy! it jsut kept coming out!
Took him to the doctors after trying everything my mom could possibly think of. after some testing we firgured out he had Pyloric Stenosis...you have no idea how long it took for me to be able to pronounce that. i had been puked on for over a week and was geting roughly 2 hours of sleep a nite...
Let me tell you i'd rather have the worst hangover in the world... it's like hangover times 10! witha screaming baby in your head
so we ended up having surgery on his tum tum! porr little guy! it was horrible but for a few weeks it worked!!! he kept everything down! he is now puking again... not in the mass quantities like beofre but more than he should be...
Despite the excess of food coming out of the worng end of his body he has grown to a whopping 15 pounds and 1.5 oz's!! that was 2 weeks ago tho so he is probably at about 15 1/2 pounds now...
It scares me to think of what he would weigh if he were keeping down all of his food...it scares the shit out of me!
He is barely 3 1/2 months old and he's quite the pporker!
I love fat babies!!!
But other than the puking he is absolutley wonderfull!!! he has starting rolling over the past few weeks and finally fully got it jsut the other day!!! now he does it in the crib when he's mad lol! and turns himself around completley! he sleeps like his mother cuz he is never anywhere near the spot you left him in! lol.
HE looks mostly like me... most days... sumtimes like his dad... mainly when he's sad or pissed off! lol
but when he's happy he looks like me!! :-)
He's gonna be a smart baby!
I know everyone says taht about their kid but this one takes the cake!
His facial expressions alone are hilarious and the timing of them is more than coincidance! he laughs at parts of movies that are funny. he gives you death glares when he's mad. just the other day he shook his head no to a couple questions... i know some of you out there would just say its coincidence... b ut my baby is a genius!!! which is good cuz then i don't have to help him with his homework! we all know i wasn't that great in school and most of my good grades were either because i cheated alot or they were just easy classes!lol
he hate s to burp and loves to eat!!!
you can't take the bottle out of his mouth to save your life! if you do manage to get it out of his iron jaw he screams and cries till youput it back in! so burping him is needless to say not an easy task! which doesn't help the spitting up either!

He hates to sit! he wants to stand and bounce always! and he now plays with toys!!! he has a mr. elephant that he absolutley loves... i think mainly cuz his trunk is easy to chew on lol!
Cuz geuss wut! he's teething! which really doesn't help the puke! lol

if you can't tell already i'm a bit tired of being puked on!!! i can shower all i want but i still smell like day old formula!
I've excepted that it will be that way for quite some time!!

oh! and a big congrats goes out to Tiffany Preister who had her first baby on new years eve! Garrett Christopher Smith was born sometime in the afternoon on the 31st and was 7 pounds 5 oz's and had a lovel y head full of dark hair!!
Next up is her older sister Nikki who is do to have a boy within the next few weeks!!
after her is my cousin katelyn again... we have yett o find out what she is having but 100 bucks says its a boy! lol
We all want it to be a girl tho! lol

we ahev ahad an overabundance of boys in our family it's time we had a girl!

Here is the rundown on the baby's that have been born!

Thank god tristan had a girl!!! woo! go you!
Eric Preister had a boy! Jayce! he's so cute!!
MY sister has one of the cutes babies ever! Mr. Riley Zavala!! i luv that little chunkers!!
Katelyn had her chubbakowski Aiden
I then had Evan Blaine! My little bundle of puke and joy!!!
Tiffany Presiter had Garrett a few weeks ago
Nikki is due to have a boy here pretty quick
And now katelyn is pregnant with her second!

So we ahve 6 boys and no girls!
Christmas should be fun! lol

I could sit here and talk about alll the cute stuff that evan does all day! it is pretty much endless! he has the biggest powty lip you have ever seen! i have yet to capture it on camera tho... you never know when he is gonna bust one out and usually at that point your covered in puke and taking a picture is the last thing on your mind! lol

wea re almost ready to see how he does in a walker kind of thing...cuz my arms are jello after liftng him up into the air so he can kick his legsaround! over and over and over and over.... well i don't think i need to go on! lol

but other than all that... there is not too much going on... Evan's dad is in and out of the pictuer... right now he's in lol... not as much as i would like him to be, but beggers can't be choosers...

He does help with formula tho which is a huge relief...and i'm gonna hed to the DHS office next week and apply for WIC and the bridge card...despite my not wanting to live off the state at this point i have no other choice... it would free up 100's of dollars for me and i need that money!

Evan is wearing 12 month onesies already and he isonly gonna get bigger!

YES!! you heard me 12 month oensies~!!=
THe little stinker is too long for anything else/!

But i think i will be done for now..i don't know how long it will be before i can get back on here to update! so hopefully this was enough info to last for a while lol

luv yakids!